Company: Swank Public Relations City: Chicago, IL Title: Principal Publicist/CEO Briahna Gatlin is an established media maven and entrepreneur on...
Title: CEO/President Company: Ballyhoo Public Relations Location: United States Octavia Bostick began her career in music as an intern at the...
Title: Owner Company: FACTZ Media, LLC Location: Atlanta, GA/Nashville, TN Chae Cody is the owner of FACTZ Media, LLC… a...
Title: Founder/CEO Company: TreMedia Location: Atlanta, GA/New York, NY Merging the elements of brand building with the art of public...
Title: Cosmetic Dentist | Author | Speaker Company: The VIP Smiles Store Location: New York, NY The VIP Smiles Store...
Title: Chairman of the Board/President Company: Universal Hip Hop Museum Location: New York City Rocky Bucano is Chairman of the...