My Friends Are Better Than Yours: The Choice Is Yours- Dres From Black Sheep- Beyond 50

There are many recognizable songs in hip-hop history that all you have to do is hear four bars and you instantly know the song. Or, you know the most known and heavily recited lines, in this case, “Engine, engine number nine on the New York Transit line, if my train goes off the track, pick it up! Pick it Up! Pick it up!”
Well, the next person I speak to in this series of “My Friends Are Better Than Yours” and “Beyond 50” is Andres Vargas Titus! We know him as Dres from Black Sheep!
The Industry Cosign got the chance to chop it up with Dres as he talked to us about his latest project with late producer, J. Dilla, and the documentary, “The Choice Is Yours” streaming right now on Paramount +.
THE CHOICE IS YOURS, directed and edited by Clark Slater (DMX: Don’t Try And Understand), is the story of rapper and artist Andres “Dres” Vargas-Titus, part of the legendary 90’s hip hop duo Black Sheep, and his incredible journey from being on top of the game to struggling with civilian life and staring down the barrel of his last chance at success. Along the way, he meets Maureen Yancey, aka Ma Dukes, mother to music icon J.Dilla who gifts him with a hard drive of unreleased Dilla beats and tasks him with creating the next great Dilla record. As Dres attempts to uncover the mystery behind his story, which hasn’t been told in full until now, Dres meets with artists, celebs, music executives and journalists to better understand who Dilla was, only to discover that not everyone is happy about Dres being gifted these beats. The accompanying controversy threatens not just the release of the album, but Dres’ very legacy.
Dres also touches on the 50th anniversary of hip-hop which has helped many artists. He also discusses what he has been doing, as well as a little update on the class lawsuit against the record labels that he is spearheading.